How I broke out of my corporate rut to reclaim my health

For over 2 decades I lived in the rat race of the corporate world; working long hours glued to a computer with bad ergonomics, eating poorly, and making excuses that I was too busy for fitness.

Coming home exhausted every day, it was all too easy to fall into the comforts of home. I felt stuck in a rut that left me cranky, edgy, and tired. 

Until I took a step back, got curious with myself, and realized that my most basic, autopilot behaviours were contributing to my lethargy. Could I simply change some of my habits (either by reducing bad habits or by trying to create some new good ones) to improve my overall health?

I decided to take action. I wrote a list of some of my bad habits and used that to create fifteen new habits I wanted to clean up as I am a little extreme (I picked three habits from different categories like Professional, Family, Financial, Spiritual, and Fitness).  My goal was only to be 50% effective and to expect some good days and bad days but to keep pushing forward.

Here are the tips that helped me form new habits:

  • Be specific, and start small. Incremental changes lead to big results

  • Share your plans with people that will support you (family, friends, CrushCamp community) 

  • Be patient and realistic - Usually a habit (good or bad) takes approx 3 weeks to form and really a few months for it become more permanent

  • Remember the 80/20 rule - 80% consistency over 2-3 months is way better than being perfect for 2 weeks and then quitting 

At the end of the day, I just want to keep getting a little better navigating life every day! By eliminating a few time wasters + emotional drainers and replacing them with some good habits, I was able to create more positive energy + reduce mental clutter - a game changer in my life!
I hope you will join myself and our team in taking part in CrushCamp’s Healthy Habits Challenge, and challenge yourself to practice healthy Movement, Nutrition, and Lifestyle habits for 8 weeks. If you stick with it and achieve 80% over the two months, you earn your entry back in studio credit. You really have nothing to lose (except a few bad habits)!
The really exciting part? One day you'll wake up and realize your new habit has become second nature. That’s when you know it’s truly become a part of your life.

PS - The Challenge is over 50% sold out + starts next Monday, so if you're thinking about it, don't delay on this one! Click here to save your spot