Amy M: My experience with online training

Amy is an OG CrushCamp member but when she felt like she hit a wall she reached out to Coach Christina for an online program she could do on her own time.

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“I’d consider myself an OG member of CrushCamp. I had the pleasure of meeting Christina first as one of the newest CC coaches about 6 months ago. This ball of positive energy has had a huge influence on my fitness journey over the past few months. From small group training, where she honed my skills in squatting, ensuring a safe and technical environment for me to not only challenge myself but to find some confidence in my developing strength.While HIIT was tempering my inner athlete and challenging me to push myself beyond what I thought possible in the fitness department (I’m a self proclaimed non-runner!), it really garnered a love for the strength and HEAVY lifting. I knew I needed something to round out my training and thus brought me back to Christina for programming. While I’ve never struggled in the motivation department, my lack of knowledge of what strength routines would maximize muscle development and growth found me stuck. Where do I go from here?

Christina programmed me a month of strength training fitness routines to aid my in my recently purchased “groupon” to get back into the gym setting. I was floored by my routines. I felt like I had been doing the gym wrong for years. My workouts were organized, easily structured, but left me challenged, exhausted, yet feeling energized with the weights I was lifting and the moves I was performing. Backed with video support (so I knew exactly what moves I was doing), to constant communication with Christina (for badass motivation and support), it was structured so I felt sure of what I was about to do each day, with enough repetition to ensure mastery of moves and the ability to challenge myself (add that extra weight I was unsure about the week before). She structures thing to max out your performance so that you feel like a beast in the gym, while getting the coaching support and motivation to keep you going. Nothing like having your coach in your corner. I can’t speak highly enough of the programming she does, and if you are looking for some guidance, support, motivation and killer workouts, you’ve found it in her! I look forward to what she has in store for me next!”

-Amy M, CrushCamp member

Are you ready to take the next step? Email to set up a complementary consult.