Cultivating Joy During a Pandemic
How are you creating moments of joy and adventure in your life?
After having to shut down the studio again, I was feeling very sad, frustrated, and generally uninspired. After marinating in this funk for a few days, I knew I needed to employ every positive coping strategy in my tool kit to get through the rest of the year on my own terms. I was absolutely NOT going to let my external circumstances “wreck my year” or stall my progress again. So, I committed to prioritizing one act of self care and one act of kindness for the rest of the year. While I did take more baths than usual and allowed myself to indulge in some escapist television (hello Bridgerton!), I realized the real thing my life was lacking was JOY.
For me, the easiest pathway to joy these days has been by committing to get outside every day. Within a few moments of the fresh air and sunshine hitting my face I ALWAYS felt better. My brain fog starts to lift, and I can feel some energy and motivation returning to my body. Often while out on the river pathways I find myself smiling at the cute dogs in their funny winter outfits or see a familiar face which always brightens my day. I leave these moments feeling less overwhelmed, more connected, and inspired to face the challenges of the day.
While our present circumstances make it difficult to experience the spontaneous, unbridled, heart bursting moments of joy that usually require spending time with your favourite humans, with a little discipline and creativity you can foster the environment that will bring you small moments of joy. So if you are feeling tired, worn out, unable to focus, and struggling to stay motivated during this seemingly never ending pandemic here are a few questions that you can ask yourself to bring some joy back into your life:
What makes me happy?
What am I doing when I naturally stop looking at my phone?
What activity have I always wanted to try (or get back into)?
Where have I always wanted to go locally but never made time to explore?
Once you’ve answered these questions, the next step is to actually schedule time for joy and adventure in your calendar. Now that some of the restrictions have been lifted, it is the perfect time to catch up with friends at the outdoor rink or try cross country skiing or snowshoeing for the first time. If you regularly walk or run, try a new park or path for a literal change of scenery. We are so incredibly blessed in Calgary to have so many breathtaking outdoor spaces within the city or just a short drive away, so take advantage of our beautiful backyard and make the most of what winter offers us.
It’s also a great time to find a new hobby, get back into reading, or even order takeout from that restaurant you’ve passed in your neighbourhood a thousand times. Whatever comes to your mind to make you happier, I encourage you to pursue it without judgement. Pump up the tunes and dance around your home, spend the afternoon baking something new, sign up for that virtual art class. More than anything we need to give ourselves time and permission to follow the sparks of joy, so ease off the to do list and make time for playfulness and adventure. I promise you, consciously scheduling in something to look forward to every week will leave you feeling more hopeful and energized which is something we could all use these days!
I’d love to hear from you, how are you creating moments of joy and adventure in your life right now? Post on Instagram and tag @crushcamp so I can see it!