I Run for Fun - Coach Courtney's Running Journey
I remember the first time I attempted to go for a run. It was a beautiful, sunny day and I had high hopes. Lacing up my runners and heading out the door, I made it about two blocks before I was gasping for air and called it quits. Turning around and walking home, I felt deflated and thought that maybe running just wasn’t for me.
A few years later when I was in University, I decided to give running a second chance. It still wasn’t great but it was a free workout and I thought it would help me combat the Freshman 15. Slightly less ambitious than my previous attempt, I took it slow and within a few months was running 3-5 kms at a time. I continued to run through University but it was definitely for the purpose of exercise over enjoyment.
In 2014 I let a friend convince me to sign up for the Calgary Half Marathon. 21.2 km seemed like a daunting distance but she assured me that with preparation and training I would make it to the finish line. Committing to the race, I used a 12 week program on the Nike Run Club app and was running or cross-training 6 days a week. Although there were several days when running was the last thing I wanted to do, I got a checkmark in the Nike app for completing my daily training and that was enough to keep my Type A personality on track. On June 1st, 2014 I completed my first half marathon in 1 hour 52 minutes and 15 seconds.
Fast forward to today and not only have I run several half marathons but more importantly I RUN FOR FUN. There are times when I love it and times when I hate it. There are runs that feel easy and natural and there are runs where I’m winded after the first couple of kilometres and I’m ready to head home. But making the decision to sign up for the Half Marathon was the turning point in my relationship with running. It gave me goals to focus on and the will to keep going. It equipped me with the tools to put mind over matter and to know when I need to slow down. It showed me what my body was capable of and the long runs make all the short runs that much more achievable.
If reading this inspired you, you’re more than welcome to “run out” and find a race to sign up for… But if you’re not quite ready to go all in, here are some of my tips and tricks to get you lacing up and out the door.
Set a Goal
Your goal can be big or small. It can be for a single run or a goal to hit for the month. Your goal can be for time or distance. It can be telling yourself when you need a walk break that you’re going to keep running until you pass the next light post. It can even be how you want to feel during or after the run. I believe one of the key steps in getting into running is to set yourself up for success- give yourself a reason to keep going instead of the chance to quit before you’ve even had the opportunity to start. Make your goals whatever you think will push you to go a little further!
2. Find a Friend
I enjoy running alone but I also have a great time doing it with friends! When you are first starting out an accountability buddy can be an awesome motivator. It’s also nice to have someone to chat with and to run alongside you, helping you to stay on track and maybe provide a little bit of distraction from the task at hand. So call up a friend and instead of grabbing dinner you can catch up over a run. There are also lots of great Run Clubs in the city- CrushCamp offers one on Thursdays at 6PM. In addition to providing a community of runners, Run Clubs can be the perfect place to meet others who are new to running.
3. Buy a New Outfit
This one is simple… when you look good you feel good! And since running is a free activity, you may be more inclined to head out if you’ve got a little skin in the game. Also, investing in the proper running gear, specifically shoes, can make all the difference. Check out a local running store where you can get fitted for shoes that will give you the support you need to go the distance.
4. Make it Fun
Some can find running a bit monotonous but there are lots of ways to “multitask” your run and make it more entertaining. Make a wicked playlist, check out a new podcast or even catch up on your favourite show if you’re running on a treadmill. I’ll often incentivize my run by choosing a destination that involves ice cream. If you’re competitive, you can turn your run into a race with yourself, seeing if you can beat your time every kilometre. Anything that will give your run a little boost.
“Running is nothing more than a series of arguments between the part of your brain that wants to stop and the part that wants to keep going.”